

The Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) discipline of Central South University, initially founded in1954, is honored as National Key Discipline in First Category and among the earliest ones being granted theauthority to award master degree and doctor degree, and to host Post-doctoral working station. The discipline consists of three National Key Disciplines in Second Category, namely Materials Physics and Chemistry,Materials Science, and Materials Processing Engineering, each with distinct professional features and specialties. It has been well recognized as one national key R&D and talents cultivation base for innovative materials in non-ferrous metals, powder metallurgy, and other new materials.The CSU-MSE discipline has a highly competitive faculty group, led by 6 academicians (including 1 member of the Chinese Academy of Science, 3 members of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and 2foreign members of the Chinese Academy of Engineering),5 “Yangtze River Scholar” distinguished Professors, and 3 Distinguished Young Scholars of the

   National Science Foundation of China.The ...
